Our products are provided as trial versions for downloading directly from our Website. By using the "try-before-buy" version, you can make sure that they are compatible with your computer systems and satisfy all of your requirements before purchasing the full version.
Due to the automated way that orders are processed and fulfilled, once an order is processed and the registration details and download instructions are issued, it cannot be canceled. Exceptions to the refund policy are handled on a case-by-case basis and only granted when emergency or extenuating circumstances exist.
1. You purchased the so-called "wrong" product, and you purchased the "right" product from another company.
2. You changed your mind after placing an order.
3. You requested for a refund for technical issues, but never provided any assistance to our support team with any detailed description of the problem.
4. Refund for part of a bundle.
5. Special offer product. Check special offer product >>
6. Request for a refund of more than 30 days
1. You purchased a wrong product, and then purchased the right product from aoaophoto.com within 30 days.
2. You've been double charged due to the system problem of the third party payment platform.
3. The product has technical problems.
4. You never received the registration code of the product from us, and got no response from our support team within 24 hours after reporting this to us. Retrieve Registration Code >>
5. Delay your works because from registration code is invalid.
1. Please uninstall the software and remove it from your computer.
2. Please destroy the disc and uninstall the software from your computer if you purchased a CD version of the product.
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