Home > Aoao Video Watermark Pro >User Guide


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First please download Aoao Video Watermark Pro at: https://www.aoaophoto.com/products/watermark.exe

Support Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000/...


Overview Aoao Video Watermark Pro

1. Load video files

2. Remove video file

3. Video item, click the "More" link you can open "Video Information" window

4. Preview window

5. Click to open video effetcs editing window

6. Click to open "Text Watermark" editing window

7. Click to open "Imahe Watermark" editing window

8. Click to open "Shape Watermark" editing window

9. Click to start watermarking process

10. Open output folder

11. Option, parameter settings

How to add text/words to video?

1. Load video files, then click "Add Text" button.

add text watermark - load video

2. Enter your words, then click "Add" button to add a layer.

add text watermark - set words

3 (Optional). Click "Font" button to edit font and some text effects such as shadow, stroke effect, distorted text. You can also insert copyright symbols ©, ® and ™

add text watermark - set font

4 (Optional). General settings, you can also keep default

text General settings

5 (Optional). Mark dynamic effects to text watermrk by timeline editing. Actually, you can do many dynamic effects by the timeline. For example make text display during 00:00:05 to 00:00:15

5-1. Insert key 1 on 00:00:05, set opacity=100

5-2. Insert key 2 on 00:00:15, set opacity=100

5-3. Insert key 3 on 00:00:16, set opacity=0

So, you text watermark will display during 00:00:05 to 00:00:15 only.

timeline for text watermark

6. After complete text editing, click "Ok" button to save this project and back to main window.

7. Click "Run" button to start video watermarking process.

How to add image/watermark to video?

1. Load video files, then click "Add Image" button goto image watermark setting window

add watermark - load video

2. Click "Add" button to add a layer. everything are base the layer. If you want to add more image watermark you need add more layer, because one watermark need one layer. Now you can see a default image watermark on screen.

add watermark - set watermark

3. If you want to load your own watermark please click the "Browse" button, then click "Load Watermark" button. There are many watermark, you can also select one.

add watermark - pick watermark

4 (Optional). Mark dynamic effects to watermrk by timeline editing. Actually, you can do many dynamic effects by the timeline. For example make text display during 00:00:05 to 00:00:15

5-1. Insert key 1 on 00:00:05, set opacity=100

5-2. Insert key 2 on 00:00:15, set opacity=100

5-3. Insert key 3 on 00:00:16, set opacity=0

So, you watermark will display during 00:00:05 to 00:00:15 only.

add watermark - timeline

6. After complete text editing, click "Ok" button to save this project and back to main window.

7. Click "Run" button to start video watermarking process.

How to add shape to video?

1. Load videos, then click "Add Shape" button.

add share

2. There are four shapes line segments, curves, rectangular and oval. Click "Add" button, then select a shape and draw it on screen.

draw shape

3. After complete, click "Ok" button to save this project and back to main window.

How to add specially effect to video?

1. Load videos, then click the "magic wand icon", you can make many effects in this window.

add specially effect

2. Select a effetc and make it on video.

make effects

How to convert video only?

If you want to convert video without adding watermark, please do as below:

1. Load video, then click "Run" button directly.

converting video

2. At this time, software will popup a Tips, please click "Ok" button

converting video 2

3. You will goto output window, select a output folder and then click "Run" to start conversion

output format

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