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When you have decided to protect your photos copyright with watermarks, you will need to decide on a specific watermarks. It is good to be consistent and always use the same type. Here are some of the photo watermark types and styles:
Generic text watermark - This is the type that does not connect the photo to you in any way, but does still protect the photo and inform potential photo-nabbers that it is not up for grabs. You would use a text watermark with a basic term like, "bt YouName," or "Safe" or "Do not use for business." Specific text watermark - This is where you create a text watermark, but you identify yourself or something about the image. Sometimes this can automatically be made the file name. You can also use your own name, or the have it advertise your Web site.
Date watermark - This is pretty self-explanatory. It serves a purpose: marking the photos. It doesn't say much about you, the photographer, but it can be handy for organizing photos. This type of photo watermark isn't used very frequently.
Protect Photos Copyright - This is probably one of the best methods of watermarking your photos. It informs users you have declared create watermark to the image. Many watermark software have copyright symbols you can add. Your keyboard also should have a copyright info.
Photo watermark- This is more elaborate. The good news is you only have to create the watermarking image once. This can be nice if you have a business logo.
The Limitation of Free Trial
1. The unregistered version of Aoao Watermark will put "DEMO" watermark on output photos.
2. No expiration.
3. No functional limitation.
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